So, I went out and got a bottle of Loreal's EverPure shampoo, and the matching conditioner. I got the volume formula because ever since gradschool my hair does this cute thing where it falls out when I'm stressed. Which is apparently often. Fun!
At first, I loved it! I'm not super attached to my lather so I didn't miss it much, and its not a huge difference, really.
I started using it around October, and I loved it so much, I bought more when I ran out. That winter, I had horrible problems with static! So bad that I was carrying around fabric softener sheets in my purse. (They work great, and your hair smells good!) Now, this may be setting off alarm bells for you, but I'd been using the shampoo and conditioner for so long at this point that I didn't make the connection.

Anyway, the whole time I'm using it, my hair isn't staticy. I must be slow, cause still I didn't think much of it. Until I run out of my samples. The next day, my hair is immediately feeling really dry, and its soooo staticy. And FINALLY it hit me: this shampoo is drying my hair!! So the next day I used my fiance's manshampoo and no static. Confirmed. EverPure dries my hair out like whoa. I'm too cheap to just toss it, so I bought a really great leave-in conditioner. (I realize now it would have been cheaper to just toss the EverPure but I hate to waste it! No, thats a lie, I'm lying because I want to justify my bad decision.)
Long Story Short: Test before buying and you won't even up carrying fabric softener sheets in your purse. Although you may want to anyway, because they will make your purse smell great!
Great review Maureen, yes there were many buzz lately about sulfate-free shampoo through the net. If you are looking for best sulfate free shampoo, believe it or not, many SFS users prefer L'Oreal. Not because it is a 100 Sulfat FREE, but very affordable and inexpensive to buy.