
Review Time: Slim Fast Cocktails

8:19 PM

Let me start by saying this post was created in connection with my appointment as a SlimFast Ambassador. I received the products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

As soon as I opened the box I was excited!

The box included:

A bottle of Slim Fast Strawberries 'N Cream Shake, a cute martini glass that says "Get What You Really Want - SlimFast," and recipe cards. 
One side of the recipe cards has a cocktail recipe and the other has a mocktail recipe. 
Obviously I went for the cocktail! 
Click to see all the recipes

The bottle says that it controls hunger for 4 hours, contains 10g protein, and 5g fiber. Pretty sweet deal! As long as it tastes good... 
*Umbrella not included


Its not as good as a full blown cocktail. Obviously. But it is pretty darn good, actually.  I love me some pineapple, so I might be partial. (I added extra.)
I am a complete lightweight when it comes to alcohol, so I can't say how strong it is.  It felt strong to me, but I think everything is strong!
I didn't eat until 4 hours later, and I was STARVING! But I did have a couple hours before I got hungry.  I felt like it was about the same as having a greek yogurt for a snack.  Would be good to help when you're at a party with snacks you're trying not to eat. 
One problem that I foresaw is that these shakes are meant to be a meal replacement, but I could easily see having way too many cocktails! There's 180 calories and 6 grams of fat in a bottle (which makes two-three glasses worth). So if you plan to be drinking all night, these won't be any better for you than drinking cocktails. 

Bottom Line:

If you want a compromise between being good and having a yummy cocktail, this is a great option! It will help you resist snacking, but keep in mind it is meant as a meal replacement, so don't guzzle down 12 glasses!


  1. Yum! I will definitely be trying this, thanks Danielle!

  2. Sounds yummy! I may be trying this too!

  3. I like all the flavor choices (chocolate!), and how it feels like it's a pretty healthy option.

  4. Great Review! I could see where a person could get carried away and forget the purpose of the drink and start making a lot of cocktails because it tastes so good. :)



Maureen is a long time lover of beauty, fashion and all things girlie. She is lucky to have a bestie that loves beauty and silliness as much as she does! She is a licensed esthetician/makeup artist and loves it. All around, Maureen has a great life full of friends and family. Find Maureen on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.


Danielle has a nail polish obsession, and its a bit out of control. She doesn't always have the cash to fund her addiction, so she's become an expert on thrifty nail tricks! She's lucky to have Maureen, her very best friend since kindergarten, and is engaged to her boyfriend of 7 years. Connect with Danielle on Pinterest, Twitter and Tumbler.