#beauty #grateful #happiness #empower

Celebs: They Are Real People Too!

10:55 AM

Danielle posted this article on her Pinterest page, and I think it's really important that we all take a minute to read it.

Link to original article

It's only normal to look at magazines or TV and feel a little down about how you look.  One of the main reasons that Danielle and I started this blog was to make people realize that accepting yourself as you are is so important to having a happy and healthy life.   

It's ok to not have millions of dollars, it's ok to not weigh 90 pounds. Be grateful for the things that you have in your life (whatever that may be) that makes you happy and enjoy life because it's too short to be consumed by sadness. So, smile a little bigger today... because you're you, and you're fabulous!



  1. I'm so glad that you wrote this! I completely agree!! Its time we stopped looking around and seeing what we *should* be, and started appreciating what we are!



Maureen is a long time lover of beauty, fashion and all things girlie. She is lucky to have a bestie that loves beauty and silliness as much as she does! She is a licensed esthetician/makeup artist and loves it. All around, Maureen has a great life full of friends and family. Find Maureen on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.


Danielle has a nail polish obsession, and its a bit out of control. She doesn't always have the cash to fund her addiction, so she's become an expert on thrifty nail tricks! She's lucky to have Maureen, her very best friend since kindergarten, and is engaged to her boyfriend of 7 years. Connect with Danielle on Pinterest, Twitter and Tumbler.