
Danielle's Secret Weapon In The Fight Against Dry Skin

11:41 AM

Let me preface this by saying I get crazy dry skin.
So dry it flakes and itches.

Sometimes it gets so bad it wakes me in the middle of the night. It's also really sensitive, so being too dry can make be break out in rashes. And just to make things more fun, I'm also allergic to things like dust, and sweat. Not the kind of allergic that makes you stop breathing, the kind that gives you rashes. So because of my allergies I have to wash my hands a lot. And because I wash my hands a lot I get really dry skin. And because my skin is sensitive I can't use a lot of lotions. So basically this is the reason I'm on a mission to find the holy grail of lotions.

Here's the story of how I found my new secret weapon! I am a great nanny.
One of the reasons I'm great is that I can take care of multiple young children, and clean house, at the same time. Knowing what you know about my lovely skin, you can imagine that cleaning requires lots of hand washing. Last year, a woman I nannied for had this old Avon lotion next to the sink, so I started putting it on after I'd wash my hands. It was AMAZING! It stayed on through multiple hand washes. Which is crazy!

So I went out and tracked down an Avon lady and bought some and started using it. And hated it. What?! Yeah, it sucks. The problem was, it works great when I'm washing my hands a lot and need something protective and long lasting. But it never really soaks in to moisturize, it sits on the surface protecting. So when I'm not washing my hands constantly, it's like having no lotion on. One day my feet were being particularly horrible, and I was putting every lotion I own on them, with no improvement. I finally resorted to putting on my Avon hand lotion and discovered something wonderful. I hated the Avon lotion because it doesn't soak in, it sits on the surface. But if I put it on over another lotion, it works like a protective seal to keep the moisture in. Cue choir of angels. This is the greatest thing ever. I recommend everyone with dry skin run out and get you some Avon hand lotion. Did I mention its cheap as hell?? Normally it's $5 but every different season they do sales where they will have the travel sizes for like 75 cents! Since you only use a teeny tiny minuscule amount, even a travel will last you a loooong time. And it extends the life of your other lotions, because you don't need to reapply as often. Everyone who tries it, let me know what you think! And anyone who has dry skin tips, please share!!!



Maureen is a long time lover of beauty, fashion and all things girlie. She is lucky to have a bestie that loves beauty and silliness as much as she does! She is a licensed esthetician/makeup artist and loves it. All around, Maureen has a great life full of friends and family. Find Maureen on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.


Danielle has a nail polish obsession, and its a bit out of control. She doesn't always have the cash to fund her addiction, so she's become an expert on thrifty nail tricks! She's lucky to have Maureen, her very best friend since kindergarten, and is engaged to her boyfriend of 7 years. Connect with Danielle on Pinterest, Twitter and Tumbler.