
Don't Worry, Be Happy!

9:04 AM

Danielle posted this on our Facebook:

I just loved it and I think that the meaning behind it was important.  Not only does a happy person generally look better, but they almost always feel better.  I'm not saying that you have to be happy 100% of the time, but if you have an "attitude of gratitude" (thanks for that, Mom) your views on life are going to be a lot better.  
Your life is what you make it, and why fill your life with negativity and unhappiness? Something that helps me when I'm down is to think of the wonderful things that I have in my life. 
Let's all to take a look around and be thankful for the things that we have in our life.  For me personally, I have an amazing family, a BFF who is more like a sister (that's you Danielle!) and a little dog that makes my sometimes sad days a whole lot happier. 

What are some things that make you happy? Comment below and we can share each other's happy thoughts! :)



Maureen is a long time lover of beauty, fashion and all things girlie. She is lucky to have a bestie that loves beauty and silliness as much as she does! She is a licensed esthetician/makeup artist and loves it. All around, Maureen has a great life full of friends and family. Find Maureen on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.


Danielle has a nail polish obsession, and its a bit out of control. She doesn't always have the cash to fund her addiction, so she's become an expert on thrifty nail tricks! She's lucky to have Maureen, her very best friend since kindergarten, and is engaged to her boyfriend of 7 years. Connect with Danielle on Pinterest, Twitter and Tumbler.