
Trendy Tuesday: Neon

8:24 AM

There are so many fun, easy ways to wear the neon trend.
A few ways are through makeup, accessories and nails.  Here are a few outfits that I have styled from Polyvore (which is one of my favorite websites, by the way!)

As you can see, I have styled these neon items with more neutral pieces, I think it's important, especially with neon, to wear this trend carefully and not to overdo it.

Another fun way to incorporate this trend is through makeup.  Whether it be eyeliner, or lipgloss there is pretty much a neon option for anyone to wear.

Google Search

As you can see, there are endless ways to wear neon.  What are some of your favorite ways to wear this fun, funky trend?



Maureen is a long time lover of beauty, fashion and all things girlie. She is lucky to have a bestie that loves beauty and silliness as much as she does! She is a licensed esthetician/makeup artist and loves it. All around, Maureen has a great life full of friends and family. Find Maureen on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.


Danielle has a nail polish obsession, and its a bit out of control. She doesn't always have the cash to fund her addiction, so she's become an expert on thrifty nail tricks! She's lucky to have Maureen, her very best friend since kindergarten, and is engaged to her boyfriend of 7 years. Connect with Danielle on Pinterest, Twitter and Tumbler.