This is going to be a different take on Throwback we are going to talk about mistakes .
I would say that some of my biggest beauty related mistakes would be centered around my early days using makeup. I never wore enough blush and I wore this very weird white/silver eyeliner like it was never going to go out of style. I (luckily don't have any specific pictures of me but here are a few humorous pictures of me as a teenager when I was just learning how to apply makeup.

I apologize for the quality of the pictures..they are a few years old. Haha.
There are so many things that we can learn from our past mistakes whether they be small or large. No one is perfect, and honestly who wants to carry the weight of being perfect anyway. Embrace your flaws and even the mistakes you have made in the past because they made you the person you are today. That it not to say that you shouldn't work toward being a better person, I'm a big advocate of self improvement..but ultimately it has to be something that come from within yourself. This is one of my favorite quotes that I have found out there...
What are some of your worst beauty offenses? Do you agree that you should embrace your flaws and work toward being a better person every day? Share your thoughts in the comments!